Zhao Haoxiang - Project Portfolio Page for SCRUMptious
My team of 4 software engineering students and I have created a command line interface project managing software for our CS2113T team project. The app, called SCRUMptious, aims to help project managers handle their project teams efficiently with the help of the SCRUM methodology and digital technologies.
Summary of Contributions
This section shows a summary of my coding, documentation, and other helpful contributions to the team project.
Code contributed: Link
Contributions summary:
- Main features:
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Apply SLAP to all task classes to increase OOP-ness, increase cohesion and decrease coupling of classes. (Pull request #201)
- Added additional date checking functions to ensure invalid dates that does not cause an exception (e.g. 31st of Nov, 30th of Feb) are caught, with leap year support. (Pull request #179)
- Added JavaDoc, JUnit, logging and assertions to task classes. (Pull requests #95(JUnit), #110(Assertions), #184(JUnit), #201(JavaDoc, Logging), #241(Assertions))
- Documentation:
- Added and refined task and program exit components to the user guide. (Pull requests #77, #137, #179, #180)
- Added and refined UI and task components to the developer guide. (Pull requests #126(Tasks), #229(UI), #244(Tasks))
- Added and refined UI and task diagrams to the developer guide. (Pull requests #216, #250)
- Contributions to team-based tasks:
- Community:
- Reviewed Developer Guide: [CS2113T-W13-2] Developer Guide
- Reported bugs for other team during PE dry run: [CS2113T-W13-4] bugs