User Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
      1.1. Purpose
      1.2. Overview
      1.3. Features
  2. Quick Start
  3. Commands
      3.1. Project project
            3.1.1. Create a New Project
            3.1.2. View Project Information
            3.1.3. List All Projects
            3.1.4. Select Project
      3.2. Project Member member
            3.2.1. Add Team Members
            3.2.2. Remove Team Members
      3.3. Project Backlog task
            3.3.1. Add Tasks
            3.3.2. View Tasks
            3.3.3. Delete Tasks
            3.3.4. Change the Priority of Tasks
            3.3.5. Mark Tasks as Complete
            3.3.6. View Tasks by descending priority
      3.4. Sprint sprint
            3.4.1. Create a New Sprint
            3.4.2. View Sprint Information
            3.4.3. Edit Sprint Goal
            3.4.4. Add Tasks to the Sprint
            3.4.5. Delete Tasks from the Sprint
            3.4.6. Allocate Tasks to Team Members
            3.4.7. Deallocate Tasks from Team Members
      3.5. Storage storage
            3.5.1. Clear Storage
      3.6. Help help
            3.6.1. Help Menu
            3.6.2. Project Help
            3.6.3. Member Help
            3.6.4. Task Help
            3.6.5. Sprint Help
            3.6.6. Storage Help
      3.7. Exit application bye
  4. Command Summary

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

This document is the User Manual of the SCRUMptious. It is intended to provide all the necessary information to use this software.

1.2. Overview

SCRUMptious is a command-line project management software, designed for project managers who adopt the SCRUM methodology.

1.3. Features

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Download the latest version of SCRUMptious.jar from here.

  3. Ensure that you have a functional Command Line Interface (CLI).

  4. Navigate to the folder where the SCRUMptious.jar is located at. (E.g. cd "C:\Users\John\Downloads") Directory Example

  5. Run the command java -jar SCRUMptious.jar. Ensure that the SCRUMptious.jar file path is specified correctly according to where you copied it to.

    User@This-PC:~/$ java -jar SCRUMptious.jar
       _____  _____ _____  _    _ __  __       _   _  
      / ____|/ ____|  __ \| |  | |  \/  |     | | (_) 
     | (___ | |    | |__) | |  | | \  / |_ __ | |_ _  ___  _   _ ___
      \___ \| |    |  _  /| |  | | |\/| | '_ \| __| |/ _ \| | | / __|
      ____) | |____| | \ \| |__| | |  | | |_) | |_| | (_) | |_| \__ \ 
     |_____/ \_____|_|  \_\\____/|_|  |_| .__/ \__|_|\___/ \__,_|___/ 
                                        | |
  6. Type the command project /create -title Scrumptious -desc A java project -dur 30 -sd 10 into the command line and press Enter to execute it.

  7. If the setup is correct, you will be able to view the project by executing project /view:

    command> project /create -title Scrumptious -desc A java project -dur 30 -sd 10
    Project successfully created.
        Title: Scrumptious
    command> project /view
    ====================== PROJECT ======================
    [ID: 1]
    [Title: Scrumptious ]
    [Description: A java project ]
    [No members added]
    [Project will start along with the first sprint]
    [Project backlog is empty]
    [There are no Sprints]

3. Commands

3.1. Project project

3.1.1. Create Project

Create a new project.

Format: project /create -title <title> -desc <description> -dur <duration> -sd <sprint interval>
Mandatory Tags:
Example: project /create -title MeTube -desc video streaming software -dur 90 -sd 10
Expected Outcome:
Project successfully created.
    Title: MeTube

3.1.2. View Project Information

View project information which includes title, description, time-period and team members of the project. It displays the project backlog, and the details of the ongoing sprint.

Format: project /view
Example: project /view
Expected Outcome:
====================== PROJECT ======================
[Title: MeTube ]
[ID: 1]
[Description: video streaming software ]
[No members added]
[Project will start along with the first sprint]
[Project backlog is empty]
[There are no Sprints]

3.1.3. List All Projects

Outputs a list of all projects added by the user. A summary page which shows the project id, project description and project title.

Format: project /list
Example: project /list
Expected Outcome:
Following are the added projects: 
  	ID Title 		Description
  	2) Scrump 	CLI Software Development Project
  	1) MeTube 	video streaming software

3.1.4. Select Project

Select the project that will be referenced to for any other commands. To get the id of all the projects added by the user, you can execute project /list.

Format: project /select <id>
Example: project /select 2
Expected Outcome:
Project 2 has been selected.

3.2. Project Member member

3.2.1. Add Team Members

Add team members into the project.

Format: member /add <username> [<username> ...]
Example: member /add john mary
Expected Outcome:
john has been added to the project.
mary has been added to the project.

3.2.2. Remove Team Members

Remove team members from the project

Format: member /del <username> [<username> ...]
Example: member /del john mary
Expected Outcome:
john has been removed from the project.
mary has been removed from the project.

3.3. Project Backlog task

3.3.1. Add Tasks

Add a task to the project backlog.

Format: task /add -title <title> -desc <description> -priority <category>
Example: task /add -title Add UI -desc add an interactive UI -priority HIGH
Expected Outcome

(Assuming there are no prior tasks created)

Task successfully created.
        ID: 1
        Title: Add UI
        Description: add an interactive UI
        Priority: High priority
        Completion: Incomplete
        Task have yet to be assigned to anyone

3.3.2. View Tasks

Display the information of the specified task.

Format: task /view <taskid> [<taskid>...]
Example: task /view 3 6 9
Expected Outcome:

(Assuming the tasks have the following attributes respectively: Title: Foo,Bar,FooBar , Description: one,two,three, Priority: HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW, Done: false,false,true)

The details of the tasks are as follows:
    ID: 3
    Description: one
    Priority: High priority
    Completion: Incomplete
    ID: 6
    Description: two
    Priority: Medium priority
    Completion: Incomplete
    ID: 9
    Description: three
    Priority: Low priority
    Completion: Completed

3.3.3. Delete Tasks

Delete the specified task from the project backlog.

Format: task /del <taskid> [<taskid>...]
Example: task /del 5 7 9
Expected Outcome:

(Assuming the tasks have the following titles, respectively: Add parser, Del UI and UI)

The corresponding task Add parser has been removed from project.
The corresponding task Del UI has been removed from project.
The corresponding task UI has been removed from project.

3.3.4. Change the Priority of a Task

Change the priority of the specified task.

Format: task /priority -priority <category> -id <taskid>
Example: task /priority -priority HIGH -id 1
Expected Outcome: (Assuming task 1 has title Add parser)
The task Add parser has its priority changed to:
        High priority

3.3.5. Mark Tasks as Complete

Mark specified task as complete.

Format: task /done <taskid> [<taskid>...]
Example: task /done 1 2 3
Expected outcome: (Assuming the tasks have titles Add parser, Foo and Bar respectively)
Add parser has been marked as done.
Foo has been marked as done.
Bar has been marked as done.

3.3.6. View Tasks in descending priority

Views all tasks in current project, arranged by their priority. The higher priority tasks are shown first.

Format: task /priorityview
Expected outcome: (Assuming there are 3 tasks with titles Foo of high priority, Bar of low priority and FooBar of medium priority respectively)
The details of the tasks, in descending priority, are as follows: 
	ID: 1
	Title: Foo
	Description: abcdefg
	Priority: High priority
	Completion: Incomplete
	Task have yet to be assigned to anyone
	ID: 3
	Title: FooBar
	Description: abcdefg
	Priority: Medium priority
	Completion: Incomplete
	Task have yet to be assigned to anyone
	ID: 2
	Title: Bar
	Description: abcdefgh
	Priority: Low priority
	Completion: Incomplete
	Task have yet to be assigned to anyone

3.4. Sprint sprint

In SCRUMptious, a project will be broken down into smaller iterations known as sprints. After planning and creating the sprints, you can allocate tasks to these iterations and assign them to members of the project later on.

The following section will explain the commands to manage sprints.

3.4.1. Create a New Sprint

Create a new sprint for the project.

Format: sprint /create -goal <goal_input> [-start YYYYMMDD] [-project <id>]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /create -goal Shopping Cart -start 20201010
Expected Outcome:
[Project ID: 1]
First Sprint: Project will start along with the newly created sprint
Project period: 2020-10-10 to 2020-11-08
============================ SPRINT =============================
[ID: 1]
[Goal: Shopping Cart]
[Period: 2020-10-10 - 2020-10-19]
[No allocated tasks]

3.4.2. View Sprint Information

Display the information of the current or specified sprint.

Format: sprint /view [optional tags]
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /view
Expected Outcome:

Note: Expected outcome will be affected by the date of command execution (2020-10-15 in the example)

[Project ID: 1] 
========================= CURRENT SPRINT ========================
[ID: 1]
[Goal: Shopping Cart ]
[Period: 2020-10-10 - 2020-10-19] 
[Remaining: 4 days]
[No allocated tasks]

3.4.3. Edit Sprint Goal

Edit the Sprint goal of the selected sprint.

Format: sprint /edit -goal <goal_input> [optional tags]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /edit -goal Add Documentation
Expected Outcome:

Note: Expected outcome will be affected by the date of command execution (2020-10-15 in the example)

[Project ID: 1]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
============================ SPRINT =============================                                                                     
[ID: 1]                                                                                                                               
[Goal: Add Documentation]                                                                                                                
[Period: 2020-10-10 - 2020-10-19]                                                                                                     
[No allocated tasks]                                                                                                                  

3.4.4. Add Tasks to the Sprint

Add task(s) from the project backlog to the current sprint.

Format: sprint /addtask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /addtask 1 3 4
Expected Outcome:

Note: Expected outcome will be affected by the date of command execution (2020-10-15 in the example)

[Project ID: 1]
    DummyTask1 added to sprint 1.
    DummyTask3 added to sprint 1.
    DummyTask4 added to sprint 1.

3.4.5. Delete Tasks from Sprint

Remove task(s) from the current sprint.

Format: sprint /removetask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /removetask 1 3 4
Expected Outcome:

Note: Expected outcome will be affected by the date of command execution (2020-10-15 in the example)

[Project ID: 1]
    DummyTask1 removed from sprint 1.
    DummyTask3 removed from sprint 1.
    DummyTask4 removed from sprint 1.

3.4.6. Allocate Tasks to Team Members

Assign task(s) to team member(s).

Format: sprint /allocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /allocate -task 1 2 -user johntan mary jane
Expected Outcome:
[Project ID: 1]
[Sprint ID: 1]
DummyTask1 is assigned to [johntan, mary, jane]
DummyTask2 is assigned to [johntan, mary, jane]  

3.4.7. Deallocate Tasks from Team Members

Deallocate a task from team member(s).

Format: sprint /deallocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags]
Mandatory Tag:
Optional Tags:
Example: sprint /deallocate -task 1 2 -user johntan mary jane
Expected Outcome:
[Project ID: 1]                                                                                                                        
[Sprint ID: 1]                                                                                                                         
DummyTask1 is removed to [johntan, mary, jane]                                                                                        
DummyTask2 is removed to [johntan, mary, jane]                                                                                        

3.5. Storage storage

3.5.1. Clear Storage

Clear all the data from the program and the persistent storage.
You will be prompted to confirm your decision by giving an input. Data will be cleared only when y (case-insensitive) is provided.
[WARNING] This action will delete ALL the data and is irreversible!

Format: storage /clear
Example: storage /clear
Expected Outcome:

Clear data

command> storage /clear
[!WARNING!] Are you sure? This command is irreversible! (y/N) y
All data has been cleared!

Abort clear data

command> storage /clear
[!WARNING!] Are you sure? This command is irreversible! (y/N) N
Data clear aborted.

3.6. Help help

3.6.1 Help Menu

Shows a list of commands needed to use SCRUMptious. You can then type in the command number to receive more information about that specific command.

Format: help
Example: help
Expected Outcome:
Here is the list of commands used in SCRUMptious. Type "help /*", where * is the command number for more information on that specific command.
1. Project
2. Member
3. Task
4. Sprint
5. Storage

3.6.2 Project Help

Shows a list of project commands and examples of how to use them.

Format: help /1
Example: help /1
Expected Outcome:
1. Create project
   Format: project /create -title <title> -desc <description> -dur <duration> -sd <sprint interval>
   Example: project /create -title MeTube -desc video streaming software -dur 90 -sd 10
2. View project
   Format & example: project /view
3. Select project
   Format: project /select <projectid>
   Example: project /select 1

3.6.3 Member Help

Shows a list of member commands and examples of how to use them.

Format: help /2
Example: help /2
Expected Outcome:
1. Add members
   Format: member /add <username> [<username> ...]
   Example: member /add john mary
2. Remove members
   Format: member /del <username> [<username> ...]
   Example: member /del john mary

3.6.4 Task Help

Shows a list of task commands and examples of how to use them.

Format: help /3
Example: help /3
Expected Outcome:
1. Add tasks 
   Format: task /add -title <title> -desc <description> -priority <category>
   Example: task /add -title Add UI -desc add an interactive UI -priority HIGH
2. Delete tasks
   Format: task /del <taskid> [<taskid>...]
   Example: task /del 5 7 9
3. View task
   Format: task /view <taskid> [<taskid>...]
   Example: task /view 3 4 5
4. Change task priority
   Format: task /priority -priority <category> -id <taskid>
   Example: task /priority -priority HIGH -id 1
5. Mark task as complete
   Format: task /done <taskid> [<taskid>...]
   Example: task /done 1 2 3
6. View tasks in descending priority
   Format: task /priorityview

3.6.5 Sprint Help

Shows a list of sprint commands and examples of how to use them.

Format: help /4
Example: help /4
Expected Outcome:
1. Create sprint
   Format: sprint /create -goal <goal_input> [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /create Shopping Cart -start 20201010
   Example 2: sprint /create -goal UI -start 20201010
   Example 3: sprint /create -goal UI -start 20201010 -project 3
2. View sprint
   Format: sprint /view [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /view
   Example 2: sprint /view 2
   Example 3: sprint /view -project 2
   Example 4: sprint /view -project 2 -sprint 3
3. Edit sprint
   Format: sprint /edit -goal <goal_input> [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /edit -goal Add Documentation
   Example 2: sprint /edit -project 2 -goal Add Documentation
   Example 3: sprint /edit -project 2 -sprint 3 -goal Add Documentation
4. Add tasks to sprint
   Format: sprint /addtask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /addtask 1 2
   Example 2: sprint /addtask -task 1 2
   Example 3: sprint /addtask -project 2 -task 1 2
   Example 4: sprint /addtask -project 2 -sprint 3 -task 1 2
5. Delete tasks from sprint
   Format: sprint /removetask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /removetask 1 2
   Example 2: sprint /removetask -project 2 -task 1 2
   Example 3: sprint /removetask -project 2 -sprint 3 -task 1 2
6. Allocate task to team members
   Format: sprint /allocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /allocate -task 1 2 -user johntan mary jane
   Example 2: sprint /allocate -project 2 -task 1 -user mary
   Example 3: sprint /allocate -project 2 -sprint 3 -task 1 -user mary
7. Deallocate tasks from team members
   Format: sprint /deallocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags]
   Example 1: sprint /deallocate -task 1 2 -user johntan mary jane
   Example 2: sprint /deallocate -project 2 -task 1 -user mary
   Example 3: sprint /deallocate -project 2 -sprint 3 -task 1 -user mary

3.6.6 Storage Help

Shows the storage command, and an example of how to use it.

Format: help /5
Example: help /5
Expected Outcome:
1. Clear all data. You will be prompted to confirm the decision.
   Data will be cleared if "y" (case-insensitive) is provided.
   Format: storage /clear
   Example: storage /clear

3.7. Exit application bye

Exits the application. Rest assured that your data have been saved by the application.

Format: bye
Expected Outcome:

bye and program terminates.

4. Command Summary

Action Format Examples
Create Project project /create -title <title> -desc <description> -dur <duration> -sd <sprint interval> project /create -title MeTube -desc video streaming software -dur 90 -sd 10
View Project Information project /view project /view
List All Projects project /list project /list
Select Project project /select <id> project /select 2
Add Team Members member /add <username> [<username> ...] member /add john mary
Remove Team Members member /del <username> [<username> ...] member /del john mary
Add Tasks task /add -title <title> -desc <description> -priority <category> task /add -title Add UI -desc add an interactive UI -priority HIGH
View Task task /view <taskid> [<taskid>...] task /view 3 6 9
Delete Tasks task /del <taskid> [<taskid>...] task /del 5 7 9
Change the Priority of a Tasks task /priority -priority <category> -id <taskid> task /priority -priority HIGH -id 1
Mark Task as Complete task /done <taskid> [<taskid>...] task /done 1 2 3
Create Sprint sprint /create -goal <goal_input> [-start YYYYMMDD] [-project <id>] sprint /create -goal UI -start 20201010
View Sprint sprint /view [optional tags] sprint /view
Edit Sprint Goal sprint /edit -goal <goal_input> [optional tags] sprint /edit -goal Add Documentation
Add Tasks to the Sprint sprint /addtask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags] sprint /addtask 1 3 4
Delete Tasks from Sprint sprint /removetask <task_id> [<task_id> ...] [optional tags] sprint /removetask 1 3 4
Allocate Tasks to Team Members sprint /allocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags] sprint /allocate -project 2 -task 1 -user mary
Deallocate Tasks from Team Members sprint /deallocate -task <task_id> -user <user_id> [<user_id> ...] [optional tags] sprint /deallocate -project 2 -sprint 3 -task 1 -user mary
Clear Storage storage /clear storage /clear
Exit program bye bye
Help Menu help help
Help Commands help /<command_number> help /1